DBU aktuell Nr. 4 | Mai 2011 | English

Current information

2.) Challenges for the Emission Property Right

At the End of 2010, the Industrial Emissions Directive (2010/75/EU) was adopted. The German legislature is required to adapt the European rules into national law. The goal is to reduce the environmental impact of industrial facilities for air, water and soil. Industrial plants are to be brought to a single technology standard. The requirements for the best available technology become mandatory, and plant operators have to comply with these standards in future. Recent regulations on the reporting and monitoring requirements are to be extended.
With the consequences for the plant operators and other matters dealt a project funded by the DBU that is managed by the Center for Legal and Administrative Sciences (ZfRV) at the Technical University of Cottbus.

Contact: Ingmar Piroch, phone : ++49 (0) 355 69 3932, E-mail: Piroch@tu-cottbus.de