DBU aktuell Nr. 7-8 | Juli-August 2011 | English

Informationen aus der Fördertätigkeit der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt

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Tested the water backpack "PAUL" of "terre des hommes" during the ceremony (from left): DBU Chairman Hubert Weinzierl, Lower Saxony's State Premier David McAllister and DBU Secretary General Dr. Fritz Brickwedde.

3.) David McAllister: The DBU is a great asset for Germany

"For 20 years, the DBU has been promoting innovative ideas to protect our environment. Especially in small and medium-sized companies has enabled them in the past two decades, a variety of environmental projects. Germany today is the world leader in environmental technology because the major impact the DBU has on it."

With these words, David McAllister, State Premier of Lower Saxony, praised the work of the largest conservation organization in the world. To celebrate its 20th anniversary, the DBU had invited more than 200 personalities from politics, economy, science and the environmental sector together with the DBU-staff to the center for Environmental Communication (ZUK / Osnabruck). In the two-hour ceremony in early July most successful promotion projects from the region of Osnabruck and Lower Saxony were presented.

Since the founding of the DBU, about 1,400 projects with more than 272 million € have been funded in Lower Saxony and the Osnabruck region. McAllister said in his speech, the DBU has "done a very valuable work" with their employees during the first 20 years, and congratulated on behalf of the Lower Saxony government. He added that the Foundation was a great asset for Germany.

Chairman Hubert Weinzierl had initially welcomed the guests. Addressing DBU Secretary General Dr. Fritz Brickwedde, he said. "You've developed the DBU, together with your outstanding and dedicated employees in the last 20 years to the world's largest and most significant environmental foundation.” Brickwedde addressed in his closing remarks especially the reliable and skilled partners of DBU in science, economics, politics, society, media, schools and education: "I want to thank you all for the good cooperation over the past 20 years.” Addressing the employees, he added: "It is good to know that we have such a good and dedicated team at the DBU. We are able to cope with all future challenges and secure the service of environmental protection and nature conservation.”