DBU aktuell Nr. 9 | September 2011 | English

Informationen aus der Fördertätigkeit der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt

Dr. Matthias Kleinke
Dr. Matthias Kleinke

2.) Interest and demand for environmental projects particularly large in South East Europe

In 2009 Claudia Domel became DBU’s special representative in the Central, Eastern and Southeastern European countries. Her responsibilities include a large radius – she looks after the DBU activities in the Baltic countries and the region of Kaliningrad (Königsberg) in the north as well as Bulgaria, Romania and the former Yugoslav states in the Southeast. Claudia Domel studied Russian and Spanish in Leipzig, Moscow and Granada, with an emphasis on conservation and environmental protection. As Sorb she has a special relationship with Germany’s Eastern neighbors.

"Especially in the large southeastern Europe a major and even further growing interest in innovative environmental projects and in cooperating with the DBU is found. In Romania, especially in the Transylvanian region as an "island of success" as well as in Bulgaria already many interesting and important DBU projects have been carried out and face a strong public interest. Even the countries of former Yugoslavia are on the way up - there are many requests from strong partners with great commitment, hunger for knowledge and good social anchorage. German project partners are welcome! The DBU is not only as a funding agent significant and recognized, but also as a partner who places great emphasis on breaking new ground, provides impetus for the introduction of new standards, integrating key players from thematically involved or adjacent decision areas - for many countries this approach is already an innovation."