DBU aktuell Nr. 3 | March 2013 | English

Informationen aus der Fördertätigkeit der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt

St. Marienthal/Ostritz
IBZ in St. Marienthal/Ostritz

2.) DBU Summer Symposium: Trends and Developments in Environmental Communications

“Current Trends and Developments in Environmental Communications” – that is the theme of the 19th International Summer Symposium of the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, DBU). It will take place from June 9th to 14th, 2013 in the International Meeting Centre (Internationales Begegnungszentrum, IBZ) of St. Marienthal in Ostritz, Saxony (Sachsen).

The DBU has put together a diverse program of presentations, expert discussions, working groups and excursions featuring high-profile contributors. The theme will be addressed from an interdisciplinary perspective in connection with the United Nations decade of “Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014”, which will end next year. Using practical examples – primarily from DBU grant-supported work – successes and obstacles in implementation, but also unresolved questions, will be presented and discussed. Special attention will be given to measures for increasing public acceptance in the implementation of the energy transition.

For detailed information on the symposium program working groups and speakers see www.dbu.de5.html