DBU aktuell Nr. 2 | February 2014 | English

Information on Grant Support Activities of the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt)

Comparison of satellite images: here, 1984
Comparison of satellite images: here, 2009

2.) Learning to evaluate local global environmental transformation with satellite photos

Environmental change is taking place all over the planet – with effects on nature, the economy and people which vary in intensity in different locations. In the age of globalization it is increasingly difficult for many young people to understand the causality, processes and impacts of human activity in their worldwide interconnectedness. The interactive learning platform GLOKAL Change (“GLObales LOkal bewerten lernen” or “learning to evaluate global matters locally”) at the Heidelberg University of Education (“Pädagogischen Hochschule Heidelberg”) is directed towards young people in both the academic and vocational education and training areas between 10 and 16 years of age.

With the help of satellite images the students can research the complex relationships between global environmental transformation and related local developments, in a manner conducive to identifying problems and acting consequently. The internet-based learning environment “GLOKAL Change” uses carefully developed teaching- and learning materials – based on the concept of education leading to sustainable development (“Bilding für nachhaltige Entwicklung”, BNE) – to present four current environmental issues:

  • use of the ecosystem’s forests,
  • depletion of mineral resources through mining,
  • production of fuels through agriculture, and
  • land use.