DBU aktuell Nr. 2 | 2015 | English

Information on Grant Support Activities of the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt)

3.) Deconstruction of Buildings – with Low Noise Pollution and in an Environmentally-Friendly Manner

Noise, dust and strong vibrations: in the demolition of existing buildings, these unwanted by-products of the work often affect the surrounding area. Because no reliable data on the related potential danger is yet available, this danger is not adequately considered in a major portion of the demolition work taking place in Germany. Future demolition work is, however, unavoidable, since many older buildings cannot be adapted to the changed terms of use and higher energy standards which now apply. In order to improve environmental-, work- and health protection during building demolition, and to prioritize higher-quality recycling of demolition waste , the German-French Institute for Environmental Research (Deutsch-Französische Institut für Umweltforschung, DFIU) of the Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie (KIT) is carrying out, together with three cooperating partners, a multi-phase research and development project.