DBU aktuell Nr. 6 | 2015 | English

Information on Grant Support Activities of the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt)

Jugend forscht Urkundenübergabe © Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt
Felix Gruber (2.f.l.) handed over the certificates to the prize winners.

3.) DBU Special Prize “Youth Research” for battery researchers

Once again this year the DBU awarded to successful participants in the competition “Youth Research” special prizes for great environmental technology projects. This time, the winners of the 50th National Finals received their awards at the end of May in Ludwigshafen.

  • The First Prize award of € 1500.00 went to Maximilian Albers (17) of Montabaur from the Max-von-Laue-Gymnasium school (Koblenz), for his optimized heater battery.
  • The Second Prize of € 1000.00 was won by Amandus Krause (17), Benedikt Alt-Epping (15) and Lara Sophie Grabitz (17).