DBU aktuell Nr. 10 | 2015 | English

Information on Grant Support Activities of the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt)

2.) New grant guidelines take effect in coming year

On November 25th, 2015 the DBU Advisory Board unanimously approved new grant guidelines for the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, DBU), which will go into effect as of Jan. 1st, 2016.
The DBU provides support in the following 13 funding areas:
1.       Instruments and competencies of sustainability assessment, and reinforcement of sustainability consciousness and     practice
2.       Sustainable nutrition and sustainable management of foods
3.       Development, design and acceptance of environmentally-friendly movable consumer goods
4.       Renewable energies – accelerating a revolution in decentralized heating, optimizing existing facilities and reducing negative environmental impacts
5.       Climate- and resource-saving construction
6.       Energy- and resource-saving neighborhood development and renewal.
7.       Reduction of CO2 emissions in energy-intensive industries
8.       Resource efficiency through innovative materials technology
9.       Flow management and efficient use of phosphorus and environmentally critical metals
10.    Reduction of nitrogen use in agriculture
11.    Integrated concepts and measures for the protection and management of groundwater and surface waters
12.    Nature protection and sustainable use of nature in human-modified environments and protected area.
13.    Preservation and securing of valuable national cultural assets against harmful environmental influences.
Beyond these areas there is the DBU’s “open topic” support. In this area, any projects with important environmentally-related impacts are supported which are consistent with the statutory goals of the DBU.