DBU aktuell Nr. 03 | 2017 | English

Information on Grant Support Activities of the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt)

2.) A school made of wood which nurtures learning success

The DBU model project Schmuttertal Gymnasium in Diedorf, near Augsburg, is considered a “lighthouse project” and has already been recognized with numerous awards such as the German Sustainability Prize. Erected in keeping with the Plus Energy Standard, it is a wood construction built with modular methods in order to enable the adaptation of the pedagogical concept to altered framework conditions.

But how do those for whom the project was created and realized - the students of the Diedorf Gymnasium - actually feel about it? DBU aktuell asked the school’s Student Representatives Joshua Giergiel, Clarissa Kutter and Samuel Fährmann for their opinions.

Wood as a construction material creates, as we know, a different atmosphere than, for example, concrete. Does that have a positive effect on you, and on the moods of your fellow students? Is there any evidence? 

One does notice that there is a different atmosphere. Generally this gets a positive response. Concrete often creates a feeling of being repressed, because it’s massive and cold. Wood, on the other hand, has the advantage of being perceived as warmer and more natural. So it improves the atmosphere in the rooms and the overall environment substantially. But there’s no direct evidence. Only the opinions of the students we asked confirm this impression.

3.) Publishing Information

Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU
An der Bornau 2
49090 Osnabrück
Tel. 0541|9633-0
Fax 0541|9633-190

Editorial Staff
Stefan Rümmele
DBU Zentrum für Umweltkommunikation
An der Bornau 2
49090 Osnabrück
Tel. 0541|9633-962
Fax 0541|9633-990

Prof. Dr. Markus Große Ophoff

Publication Frequency
10 issues per year
Orders and change of address notifications should be directed to the editor.
complimentary distribution 

Lay-out and design
Birgit Stefan