DBU aktuell Nr. 01 | 2019 | English

Information on Grant Support Activities of the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt)

Generalsekretär Bonde besetzt Führungsteam neu © Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt
This team will be taking on new roles this year at the DBU (top, from left): Michael Dittrich, Felix Gruber, Dr Maximilian Hempel and Dr Cornelia Soetbeer.

3.) General Secretary Bonde appoints new management team

DBU General Secretary Alexander Bonde has a new management team: three department heads will be retiring, which means that three new department heads will be taking their places in 2019. Dr Cornelia Soetbeer (45), currently the head of the team “Challenges for Science and Society” at the Volkswagen Foundation, Han+-nover, will take over as the head of the Environmental Communication and Cultural Heritage Protection department as the successor to Dr Ulrich Witte. Felix Gruber (53), previously the head of the interdisciplinary DBU "Energy” project group and head of the German Environmental Prize unit, will take over the vacant position of the head of the Environmental Technology department on 1 April 2019. Dr Maximilian Hempel (57), head of the interdisciplinary “Resource Efficiency” project group and head of the Environmental Chemistry unit, will take over as head of the Environmental Research and Conservation department on 1 April 2019 as the successor to Prof Dr Werner Wahmhoff. The DBU Management Board is rounded out by the head of the Staff Department, Josef Feldmann (64), and CFO Michael Dittrich (57), who will be taking on Wahmhoff’s role as Deputy DBU General Secretary.

You can find the press release (in German) here: https://www.dbu.de/123artikel38099_2442.html