DBU aktuell No. 04 | 2019 | English

Information on Grant Support Activities of the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt)

Naturerbeexponat Gruppenbild © Milch/DBU
Visiting the new exhibition: DBU secretary general Alexander Bonde, DBU Naturerbe authorized officer Michael Dittrich, technical director of the DBU Naturerbe, Susanne Belting, project manager Kathrin Wiener and the representatives of the agency Cognitio, Patrick Hoffmann and Dominik Kleinschmidt.

3.) New "Naturerbe" exhibition

With a push of a button through the DBU Naturerbe: From now on, the 71 DBU natural heritage sites can be explored digitally in Osnabrück. At the office of the DBU Naturerbe, the non-profit subsidiary of the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU), a new exhibition invites visitors to discover fascinating landscapes and rare animals and plants. Together with the Cognitio agency, Niedenstein, the DBU Naturerbe team developed a four-station exhibition which fits in perfectly with the architecture of the building.

At the first station "Lebenswert" nature paradises come alive. "Forests, heathlands, waters, nutrient-poor grasslands and grasslands, moors and swamps, salt marshes and dunes - we present these habitats in six film trailers," says project manager Kathrin Wiener.

At the station "Pflichtbewusst" five boards provide information about the strategies and central tasks of the DBU Naturerbe.

The Naturerbe exhibition can be visited for free during the opening hours.