DBU aktuell Nr. 5 | Mai 2010 | Englisch

Informationen aus der Fördertätigkeit der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt

Herb garden in the monastery Benediktbeuern
Herb garden in the monastery Benediktbeuern

1.) Environmental Representatives of Churches and DBU show Sustainability Projects

Together with the Environmental Representatives of the Protestant and Catholic Church in Germany, the DBU shows at the 2. Ökumenischer Kirchentag (12-16 May 2010 in Munich) initiatives on sustainability practice. In the “Zentrum Umwelt und Ressourcen” (Halle A3) the following projects are presented:
• Best-practice examples of parishes in favour of biological diversity, in an exhibition titled "Vielfalt als Gewinn", funded by the Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN).
• The project "Zukunft einkaufen”, about sustainable procurement in churches and church organisations
• European church partnerships for climate protection,
• Renovation of a fortified church in Romania,
• Glass workshop at the Erfurt Cathedral,
• Searching for nature and creation – a church newspaper made by students, an
• The exhibition "WasserWissen – the wonderful world of water”.