DBU aktuell Nr. 5 | Mai 2010 | Englisch

Informationen aus der Fördertätigkeit der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt

Cover of the report: „Fair handeln, fair verändern! Umweltbildung für junge Menschen”
Cover of the report: „Fair handeln, fair verändern! Umweltbildung für junge Menschen”

4.) Report: „Fair handeln, fair verändern!“

In many cases, social investors such as foundations, donors or companies are confronted with the question how to invest their money wisely in non-profit projects. Which institution is doing a good job - for example in environmental education - and has also transparent organizational structures? In cooperation with Bertelsmann Stiftung and Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, the PHINEO gAG published the report „Fair handeln, fair verändern! Umweltbildung für junge Menschen”. It describes the dimensions of environmental education and environmental education for sustainable development and also allows everybody a quick access to the subject. Additionally, it introduces ten exemplary environmental projects with viable concepts from non-profit organizations.

The report puts the focus on ecology, describes activities and challenges in the areas of ecological agriculture, climate change and the development perspective of education.
www.phineo.org offers a free download and the report can be ordered also as print edition
at 19.90 €.