DBU aktuell Nr. 7/8 | Juli/August 2010 | Englisch

Informationen aus der Fördertätigkeit der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt


2.) Annual Report 2009 published

The Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU continued its efforts towards a comprehensive climate protection in environmental technology, research and communication, and conservation in 2009. "Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a key issue of climate change and thus the existence of future generations," said DBU Secretary General Dr.-Ing. E. h. Fritz Brickwedde at the presentation of the annual report in late June 2009. With the current projects of the previous year, the DBU has now invested in more than 3,600 projects and a total of more than € 500 million for climate protection - almost half of its work and one third of its funds at all.

In 2009 the Foundation received 985 applications and project proposals (2008: 1.101). 312 projects were approved with about € 52.1 million (2008: 306 projects with € 54.8 million). By the end of May 2010, the Foundation has since it took up its activity in March 1991, approved a total of € 1.34 billion of funding and thus invested more money in environmental protection as it had once received as a foundation capital (€ 1.288 billion). Income from property management after depreciation increased significantly with € 78.1 million. The reserve could be increased by another 30 million €. The current endowment is € 1.837 billion (2008: 1.807), the highest level since the Foundation's founding.

The Annual Report (print version and DVD in German language) can be ordered free of charge from the DBU - phone +49 541 9633 0, fax + 49 541 9633 190, e-mail: info@dbu.de