DBU aktuell Nr. 10 | Oktober 2010 | Englisch

Informationen aus der Fördertätigkeit der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt

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Discovery learning is fun and encourages independent thought processes.

2.) Discovery learning for children in the school lab

The project team on interdisciplinary social studies at the University of Bremen wants to integrate in his school labs for children of the age to attend kindergarten and primary schools a basic education in science and technology, with a focus on the topics of renewable energies and energy efficiency. Age-appropriate educational programs are developed and applied in the laboratory for discovery learning in general education (ELISA-LAB) and in the nursery laboratory (KIGA LAB) of Prof. Bruno Marquardt-Mau, in order to enrich the educational offer for kindergarten and primary school children as also the primary school teacher education and teacher training. The developed materials and offers consider the different learning styles of girls and boys. The project aims to provide interest and understanding of basic scientific methods and concepts, and advance the independent thinking processes of the children by means of exploring and experimenting.