DBU aktuell Nr. 10 | Oktober 2010 | Englisch

Informationen aus der Fördertätigkeit der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt

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Teamwork, funded by DBU: Usually several partners cooperate in biotechnology projects.

3.) DBU continues successful biotechnology funding

Since June 2010, Dr. Hans Christian Schaefer is heading the DBU department Biotechnology and responsible for the funding of innovative, environment-relieving model projects in this field. The duration of a funding project may be up to 36 months. Supports the proposals received the DBU composite ChemBioTec, linked to the platform as a competence and coordination of relevant project partners together. An evaluation in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI) demonstrates the added value of the network of research institutions, small and medium-sized companies and large scale industry for the project partners - not least because the cooperation lasts longer than the funding period. An integrated eco-efficiency analysis in every project is the central selling point. These analyses provide that in the development of products and processes both economic and ecological aspects can be considered early. The DBU-funding focuses in particular on environmental improvement and resource conservation. In this way, 210 projects from the field of biotechnology received a DBU funding with a total of € 56.5 million.