DBU aktuell Nr. 1 | Januar 2011 - Englisch

Informationen aus der Fördertätigkeit der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt

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The campaign "10 million steps - DBU everywhere in Germany” tests a new educational format.

2.) Ten million steps: In the footsteps of DBU-funded projects

Hiking is the healthiest way to travel - for man and environment. In addition to physical fitness, it stimulates the mind and provides a sustainable effect of information. The project "10 million steps - DBU everywhere in Germany" provides an insight into environmental flagship projects which were funded by the DBU during six one-week themed walks. The tours are guided by Dr. Heidi Lehmal, biologist and founder of the organisation "10 million steps - fit through Germany”. She wants to make projects, the DBU-Natural Heritage areas and premium hiking trails an experience for up to 20 fellow hikers and is thus testing a new educational format. Company founders, exhibition organizers master builders provide insights into their work and even winners of the German Environmental Award support the program personally. Partners of the campaign are the German Hiking Association, the German Youth Hostel Association and Arbeiten und Leben in Bremen.

The kick-off tour started in August 2010 in Freiburg on the occasion of the German hiking day. From March 2011 the project will continue and end at the German hiking day in August in Melle near Osnabrueck, where the action ends after a visit to the DBU office. Everyone can join the tours - whether as professional training or vacation with learning factor! The maximum distance is 25 kilometers per day. The cost is inclusive of accommodation and breakfast € 270 per week. Even day hikers are welcome. For more information: www.10000000schritte.de