DBU aktuell Nr. 1 | Januar 2011 - Englisch

Informationen aus der Fördertätigkeit der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt

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Elephant Sabi elephant at the Osnabrueck Zoo: How it can work to save energy here, shows a new Internet publication.

3.) Energy concepts from aquarium, tropical gallery & Co.

Rising energy prices and consumption levels cause problems - regardless of whether service provider, producer, craftsman or homeowner. Right now in the winter, many weaknesses reveal in buildings: heating failure, draft or steamy windows. How energy-efficient buildings and the refurbishment of buildings can help while simultaneously energy costs are reduced and the well-being increased in the heated rooms, shows the new, free Internet publication with the German title “Wie Zoos Energiefressern den Riegel vorschieben – Energiekonzepte aus Aquarium, Tropenhalle & Co.”.

The energy efficiency measures in these unusual places provide not only other zoos a research source, even other leisure companies and business enterprises or energy consultants can use the project documentation as knowledge pool. The measures are as varied as the animals on site: Thermal solar systems, cogeneration, heat recovery and insulation. With additional expert interviews, the publication provides in addition to the 19 project examples even background information on how to build energy-efficient and appropriate building technology. 
