DBU aktuell Nr. 2 | Februar 2012 | English

Informationen aus der Fördertätigkeit der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt

Gelände der Bonner Rheinauen
Waste, generated during the event Rheinkultur 2009, here presented in the GIS system

1.) Waste planning tool for major events

The number of open-air mass events in Germany is growing steadily. The resulting waste volumes are one of the biggest environmental problems. Many resources remain unexploited because some waste is not recycled. Each organizer should reduce the amount of waste and separate recyclable materials that can be disposed free of charge.

The EcoControlling GbR (Berlin) and the Rheinkultur GmbH (Bonn) developed a GIS-based planning tool for the waste management of major events. Prior to a cultural event the area was divided into waste-relevant zones, the so-called waste management zoning. In addition, nature conservation areas were mapped and all measures taken entered into the system. The latter ranged from awareness raising, container placement and collections up to the deposit system.

During the event, the amount of waste was identified and the effectiveness of the measures statistically evaluated. The implementation of the tool reduced the total amount of waste by about 15% and increased the waste separation by the visitors to 37%. In addition, the sensitive habitats have been protected more efficiently. The project shows innovative, technical options for waste management that are applicable for many organizers.