DBU aktuell Nr. 1 | January 2014 | English

Information on Grant Support Activities of the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt)

Biomasseheizkraftwerk in Hersbruck

3.) For the first time: a combined process for wood chippings thermal power plants

In the past two years the company Natural Energy Hersbruck (“Naturenergie Hersbruck GmbH & Co. KG”, Abensberg) has successfully realized an innovative project for the combined generation of heat and electricity from wood chippings. For the first time, electricity is being produced at the biomass-powered thermal power plant in Hersbruck in continuous operation by means of a hot-air turbine, the required driving heat for which is generated from waste wood with a countercurrent wood-gasifier. The combined power system reaches an electrical capacity of 225 kW (el. overall efficiency:  15%). With dust emissions of less than 2 mg/m³ and CO levels of less than 10 mg/m³, the biomass gasification produces a far lower level of pollutant exhaust than market-standard grate-firing systems.