DBU aktuell Nr. 4 | May 2014 | English

Information on Grant Support Activities of the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt)

1.) Real waste prevention has not yet begun

DBU aktuell discussed the latest statistics and developments in Germany’s waste management industry with the Chairperson of the German Advisory Council on the Environment (Sachverständigenrates für Umweltfragen, SRU), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Faulstich.

DBU aktuell: In spite of all efforts to the contrary: the newest figures indicate that overall waste production in Germany has risen slightly once again in recent years. Why?
Prof. Faulstich: Overall waste production in Germany was never truly reduced. Up to now, waste which had previously been disposed of was merely recycled -- the total amount, however, remained nearly constant. Real waste prevention has never taken place.

DBU aktuell: Germany was and still is considered the world leader in recycling. Still, recycling quotas for all types of materials are, at best, stagnating. How do you explain that?
Prof. Faulstich: For the groups of materials mentioned, Germany has achieved a high level with respect to these quotas, a level which can be only marginally increased. The question is whether the recycling meets high standards and whether the relevant criteria are the right ones. When the resulting secondary raw materials are looked at in connection with the economic input involved, the quotas are actually quite low.