DBU aktuell Nr. 1 | 2015 | English

Information on Grant Support Activities of the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt)

Building Naturerbe GmbH
The new building of DBU Naturerbe GmbH in Osnabrueck

2.) Wood Construction System for Eight-Storey Buildings

Wooden structures offer many environmental advantages: wood is a renewable raw material, which actually absorbs and binds the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) during its growth phase. The “bound” CO2 is thereby stored over the long term in structures and thus kept out of the atmosphere. Furthermore, the production and assembly of wooden elements requires less energy than that of mineral-based building materials. In comparison to traditional building methods, the greenhouse gas prognosis can be reduced by up to 75% through the use of wood in basic construction. In order to open up access in the multi-family housing and office construction markets for wood as well, the firm Huber & Sohn GmbH (Eiselfing) has now developed a system solution for wooden structures of up to eight storeys.