DBU aktuell Nr. 7 | 2015 | English

Information on Grant Support Activities of the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt)

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2.) Delegation of specialists views Canadian forest projects

On the initiative of Cajus Caesar, member of the German parliament and of the DBU Board of Advisors, a delegation of German specialists visited the Canadian province of British Columbia from July 9th to July 16th. The objects of the trip were: to sound out opportunities for an expansion of relations in forestry policy with Canada; the inspection of important noteworthy forestry developments; and to hold discussions with representatives of the Canadian forestry sector. In the field of international forest policy, in particular, Canada -- as one of the largest forested nations on earth – is an important partner in all forest-related activities. Thus it was on the initiative of Canada, for example, that a global network of model forests was founded. The first of these model forests worldwide was developed on Vancouver Island, and was viewed as part of this trip.