DBU aktuell Nr. 07 | 2016 | English

Information on Grant Support Activities of the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt)

2.) Looking at the “Big Picture” in our everyday use of food

“We are complicit in the waste of food on a gigantic scale: every year in Germany, many millions of tons of food land in the garbage. We must end this ecological, economic and social madness,” says DBU General Secretary Dr. Heinrich Bottermann. In addition to projects supported with expertise and financial funding, the DBU has now developed an interactive exhibit called “ÜberLebensmittel” (from the German: “überleben”, to survive, and “Lebensmittel”, food), which can be viewed currently in the foyer at the DBU subsidiary Nationales Naturerbe GmbH (“National Natural Inheritance GmbH”). It presents background, surprising insights, but above all proposed solutions regarding how, in spite of limited resources – that is, all natural fundamentals of life and raw materials including air, water, and soil and changing nutritional habits, a constantly growing world population can continue to be fed securely and in a balanced manner in the future.