DBU aktuell Nr. 02 | 2017 | English

Information on Grant Support Activities of the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt)

Sehen Sie selbst... © DBU/Pentermann

1.) Everything you always wanted to know about “ÜberLebensmittel” (Food for Survival)

How can we produce food in an ecologically, economically and socially valid manner? This is only one of many questions answered by the DBU in the exhibition “ÜberLebensmittel” (“Food for Survival”). DBU General Secretary Dr. Heinrich Bottermann explains: “One important step is that ecological and conventional agriculture must find common ground and develop it further.” Basically, as many spaces as necessary should be used as productively as possible, with a minimum of negative effects on the environment and under socially and economically justifiable conditions, according to Bottermann.