DBU aktuell Nr. 3 | März 2010 | English

Informationen aus der Fördertätigkeit der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt

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Control of woodboring beetles at a garden shed in the Westphalian Open Air Museum Detmold Source: LWL- Freilichtmuseum Detmold, Pölert 2008.

1.) Hot Air against Woodboring Beetles

Cultural assets made of wood are often affected by insects. In particular, the group of Anobiidae, whose larvae often over several years bore into the wood, is responsible for damages. In general, a pest is controlled with gases such as hydrogen cyanide, or with liquid chemicals. Recent years methods pose a lower health risk to humans, such as the use of nitrogen, CO2, or hot air. Besides the use of microwaves, in particular the use of heated air could be improved. The advanced patented Thermo-Lignum-powered air technology allows the user to achieve the necessary temperature of 55 ° Celsius in all parts of the cultural asset. The treated wood is heated adequately, thus avoiding any damages from the treatment. The exactly working control technology allows an optimizing of the energy input. The testing of model objects in the Westphalian Open Air Museum Detmold clearly demonstrated the success of the developed method and also yielded new insights into the history of damages. For cultural assets from wood thus a safe and environmentally friendly method is available.