DBU aktuell Nr. 12 | Dezember 2010 | Englisch

Informationen aus der Fördertätigkeit der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt

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The women's World Cup 2011 is committed to environmental and climate protection goals. Source: girlsplay.de

1.) Women's World Cup 2011: Carbon neutral thanks to "Green Goal"

Head start for the environment: As with the Men’s World Cup 2006 supports the DBU the German Football Federation (Deutscher Fußballbund, DFB) and next year’s Women's World Cup again in terms of ecology. The aim of extending and expanding "Green Goal" is to host a climate-neutral Women's World Cup in Germany: to avoid negative impact on the environment as much as possible or compensate it by investing in climate protection projects. A high-ranking Environmental Advisory Council supports the organizing committee (OC) of the World Cup in this task. The project is supervised by the Öko-Institut Freiburg. For all nine World Cup stadiums, the introduction of the environmental management system "Ecoprofit" was adopted. It helps the stadium operators through investments in environmental protection to reduce costs and improve eco-efficiency. In the arenas, only renewable - respectively environmentally friendly produced - energy is used. The five core areas of Green Goal are: water, waste, catering, energy and mobility.
