DBU aktuell Nr. 12 | Dezember 2010 | Englisch

Informationen aus der Fördertätigkeit der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt

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Fellows in conversation with this year's Environmental Award winner Dr. Rainer Grießhammer (right) on the roof of the Freiburg solar ship

3.) WWF Atlas of the Lower Danube

Among the major achievements of the WWF involvement in the Lower Danube is not only the restoration of over 10,000 hectares but in particular the signing of the agreement on the "Green Corridor Lower Danube" of all four riparian states - Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova and Ukraine - in 2000. In this context published the WWF in 2004 a first atlas about the floodplains of the Lower Danube. Now a second edition of the Atlas of "Green Corridor Lower Danube" is published. This compares today's landscape to the historical situation before 1915 and it shows the great loss of many wetland habitats. In addition, Natura 2000 sites and also the last major Danube summer flood of 2006 are correlated. For the conservation work on the Lower Danube, the atlas is a useful reference for local authorities and government institutions in future.
Published by: WWF Germany (2009), Authors: Erika Schneider, Emil Dister and Martin Döpke, 43 pages, ISBN: 978-3-9813048-0-0