DBU aktuell Nr. 10 | October 2013 | English

Information on Grant Support Activities of the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt)

Generalsekretär Dr.-Ing. E. h. Fritz Brickwedde und sein Nachfolger Dr. Heinrich Bottermann © DBU/Hermann Pentermann

1.) Changing of the guard in DBU top leadership: Bottermann succeeds Brickwedde

With a clear declaration of support for the political independence and neutrality of the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, DBU), and an urgent appeal that the principles of sustainability should be practiced in daily life, Dr. Heinrich Bottermann began his tenure in the office of DBU General Secretary on October 1st. In his inaugural address Bottermann underlined the great opportunities for the DBU as an institution to act “free of overlapping” spheres of responsibility. He stated that he looks forward to encouraging new developments in small- and medium-sized businesses, in close cooperation with the foundation’s board – but also, to participate in a more intensive discussion in the environmental field and in society. He indicated that he will not hesitate, in that capacity, to address subjects which may be painful or require sacrifice from some. Bottermann referred to the DBU as an institution which, in its twenty-two and a half years of existence, has become a protector of nature and the environment in Germany.