DBU aktuell Nr. 9 | September 2014 | English

Information on Grant Support Activities of the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt)

Jugend forscht

3.) DBU special “Youth Research Award” for bee- and water research

Once again this year the DBU recognized successful participants in the competition “Youth Research” with special awards. The winners of the 49th national finals received this year’s awards in early June, within the framework of the graduation ceremonies at the Anne Sophie Free School (“Freie Schule Anne-Sophie”) in Künzelsau.

• The Grand Prize of 1000 € went to Fabian Schmitz, 15, of Solingen, who attends classes at the August-Dicke-Schule, for his bee estimation app.

• The second prize of 500 € was proudly claimed by Gianna Leja, Lara Humbert and Beeke Rabbel. The prizewinners are 15 years old and attend the Humboldt School in Bremerhaven. Their research involved hormones in our water, and how they can be removed with the aid of active carbon filters.